Friday, November 17, 2023

Open Door Series in Irish Libraries


I discussed in my last post about how a book in 3 formats English, Irish and the Audio in Irish is a great way to learn the language.
And that the Open Door series is the best resource with these three formats available that I can find.

I emailed all my local councillors and the ministers involved and they have gotten the Fingal librarian to agree to get more copies of these books. I emailed the politicians directly as I am trying to help local. librarians get more resources. Because these are digital versions of the box not just Fingal but all Irish libraries will have access to these books when they become available.

If you would also like to encourage this useful resource to be expanded please contact your local politician. As you can see above the wait times on the audiobooks in particular is long.

Find your councillor here

The minister for Gaeltacht is Catherine Martin

and for local government is Darragh O'Brien