Saturday, March 14, 2020

Temperature Measuring Bracelet

If it is a good idea to check peoples temperatures a lot there are probably three distances you want to check them at
1. Personal level
2. Places lots of people go through like employee bathrooms
3. Public places like airports.

Each of these has different requirements.
For Personal thermometers the idea is you have a temperature sensor showing you do not currently have a fever. And if you do that is rapidly detected to reduce the number of people you infect. 

Personal thermometers they need to be really cheap. Not need much power. And be socially fashionable to show off.
Liquid crystal thermometer fits most of these requirements. These were suggested by Tara Whelan

Can they be made durable enough and fashionable enough to get people to wear them?

Edit: the physiology of the arm means these won't work as bracelets.

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